Bueno resulta que este año si tuviera que ponerle un título a la parte friky sería Rolaño o algo así. Armé un proyecto de Juegos de rol en el colegio que doy clases (estoy armando un post sobre eso), volvimos a jugar Cthulhu (una campaña que no quiero Spoilear para no dar datos), me prendí a jugar Ars Mágica con un "mago" que es el Krupoviesa de los magos (un vikingo semigigante con un hacha a dos manos)...
Well. it turns out this year if I had to put a title to the nerd part would be Role-game or something like that. I started an RPG workshop at the school that I am teaching (I am writing about this in a post), we returned to play Cthulhu (a campaign that I do not want to spoil for not giving aditional data), I turned on to play Ars Magica with a "magician" which is the Krupoviesa of the wizards (one half-giant Viking with an giant axe wielded using both hands) ...
Well. it turns out this year if I had to put a title to the nerd part would be Role-game or something like that. I started an RPG workshop at the school that I am teaching (I am writing about this in a post), we returned to play Cthulhu (a campaign that I do not want to spoil for not giving aditional data), I turned on to play Ars Magica with a "magician" which is the Krupoviesa of the wizards (one half-giant Viking with an giant axe wielded using both hands) ...
Krupoviesa convirtiendose en leyenda... |
Además de todo esto que fue pasando a lo largo del a también apareció 5ta edición tanto en el mundo rolístico como en nuestro grupo. Resultó también que Ale se consiguió los libros y se lanzó a dirigir. Y como si esto fuera poco, Manimal (del blog de las miniaturas), volvió a jugar rol después de muuuchos años y se cebó en forma. Cuestión que estamos dandole con ganas.
Besides all this that was happening along, it also appeared the Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition both for the world and in our group. It also turned out that was Ale have got the books and he started to directing his first games. And as if that were not enough, Manimal (blog), started to play role again after sooooo many years. So, we are playing fifth edition hard.
Some pictures of the first game (we were 10, 9+DM)
Algunas fotitos del primer juego.
Besides all this that was happening along, it also appeared the Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition both for the world and in our group. It also turned out that was Ale have got the books and he started to directing his first games. And as if that were not enough, Manimal (blog), started to play role again after sooooo many years. So, we are playing fifth edition hard.
Some pictures of the first game (we were 10, 9+DM)
Algunas fotitos del primer juego.
Yo no soy muy amigo de DyD, en general, y la cuarta edición me había parecido una porquería. Es una cagada porque lo dirije Joko, pero las reglas de 4ta, los poderes, son demasiado molestos de recordar (algunos los podes usar una vez por pelea, otros una vez por día y otros en cualquier momento (que estés peleando)). En síntesis 4ta potenciaba lo peor de dyd: está pensado para pelear, para ir y matarse a golpes. 5ta es bastante DyD, pero por lo menos no es tanto quilombo. Me hice una pirata gnomo bárbara que la verdad me va gustando bastante (pega poco pero aguanta mucho) y estamos jugando la campaña que sacaron y la verdad que pinta linda. El resto de la party es bastante amplia: un guerrero, un clérigo, dos picaros, un ranger, un druida, un warlock y otro mas que no me acuerdo su profesión.
I am not very fond of D&D in general, and fourth edition had seemed crap to me. It's a pity because this game is directed by Joko, but the rules the powers are really upseting because you have to remember everyone (some You can use once per fight, others once a day and others at any time you're fighting). In short fourth edition potentiated the worst of D&D: it is designed to fight, to go and kill to death. The 5th is quite DyD, but at least it's not so much trouble.
I made a female gnome barbarian pirate who in truth likes me enough (she hits little but holds a lot) and we're playing the campaign that they release and it really seams nice. The rest of the party is quite broad: a warrior, a cleric, two rogues, a ranger, a druid, a warlock and another one I can not remember his profession.
I am not very fond of D&D in general, and fourth edition had seemed crap to me. It's a pity because this game is directed by Joko, but the rules the powers are really upseting because you have to remember everyone (some You can use once per fight, others once a day and others at any time you're fighting). In short fourth edition potentiated the worst of D&D: it is designed to fight, to go and kill to death. The 5th is quite DyD, but at least it's not so much trouble.
I made a female gnome barbarian pirate who in truth likes me enough (she hits little but holds a lot) and we're playing the campaign that they release and it really seams nice. The rest of the party is quite broad: a warrior, a cleric, two rogues, a ranger, a druid, a warlock and another one I can not remember his profession.
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Cyan Wrath |
Como siempre los libros de DyD son hermosos, unas ilustraciones del demonio, las reglas volvieron a ser un poco las de 3.5 sin esa parafernalia que se mandaron en 4ta que realmente a mi particularmente no me gustó nada. Y para bien o para mal se juega. Es un clásico que se continúa reversionando y que continua siendo un negocio para todos.
As always dungeons and dragons books are beautiful, some illustrations are excellent, the rules were again a little 3.5 without the paraphernalia that was in the 4th edition which I particularly did not like it at all. It's a classic that continues to be reversioned and remains a business for everyone.
As always dungeons and dragons books are beautiful, some illustrations are excellent, the rules were again a little 3.5 without the paraphernalia that was in the 4th edition which I particularly did not like it at all. It's a classic that continues to be reversioned and remains a business for everyone.
Ilustrations of the book |
El juego agregó algo que pinta lindo que es ventaja y desventaja. La ventaja y la desventaja actuan semejante. Tirás dos dados en vez de uno, pero cuando tenés ventaja elegís el más alto y cuando tenés desventaja el más bajo. Ejemplo de ventaja sería si le pegás un golpe cuando el otro no lo espera, entonces es más fácil y desventaja por ejemplo cuando llevás armadura pesada para ir sigiloso tenés desventaja (lo cual genera muchos inconvenientes con el tanque del grupo).
The game added something that looks nice: the advantage and disadvantage. The advantage and disadvantage act like it: you throw two dice instead of one, but when you have advantage you keep the highest, and when you have disadvantage you keep the lowest. Example advantage would be if you stab a hit when the other does not hold, then it is easier and disadvantage for example when you have heavy armor and you want to go stealthy.
The game added something that looks nice: the advantage and disadvantage. The advantage and disadvantage act like it: you throw two dice instead of one, but when you have advantage you keep the highest, and when you have disadvantage you keep the lowest. Example advantage would be if you stab a hit when the other does not hold, then it is easier and disadvantage for example when you have heavy armor and you want to go stealthy.
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Mala de la peli... |
La campaña ésta (Hoard of the Dragon) pinta linda, por ahora estamos en las primeras partes pero ya tenemos lindos enemigos en medio. Ahora probablemente haya que seguir leveleando para que por lo menos nos llenen menos la cara de dedos.
This campaign that we are plaing (Hoard of the Dragon) looks cute, for now we are in the early parts but we have to face hard enemies while we play it. Now probably we will have to level up to avoid the beatings.